Wednesday 25 February 2009

25 FEB 09

Exercise wise:

30 mins brisk walk
30 mins on Wii Fit (Please see my Wii Fit post to see what it consists of)

60 tricep reps with curl bar

60 bicep reps with curl bar

90 deltoid reps with curl bar

Food wise:

RIce Krispies for breakfast with skimmed milk - about 219 calories

Banana - 103 calories

Medium cup of pea and ham soup - 200 calories

Ryvita Minis - 103 calories

Tuna and Mozzarella Melt and beans (made with 2 slices of wholemeal bread) - 500 calories

Muller light yogurt -104 calories

This is a total of 1229 calories ( not enough I know but I want that man-kini to fit). 

and lots and lots of water.......

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