Wednesday 25 February 2009

Wii Fit

Along with healthy eating I am using the Wii Fit and free weights to tone up and burn fat.
I have set up the Wii Fit with a 2 week weight loss programme with a target loss of 8 pounds and tomorrow i will have completed the 2 weeks.
My target to reach for tomorrow is 22 stone and 7 pounds and I feel very confident that I have already achieved this (will let you know for sure tomorrow).

On the Wii Fit I mainly use the Aerobic section and do 30 mins per day (as does my wife) and only use 3 exercises:

1. Hula Hoop - 3 minutes to warm up

2. Advanced Step - 10 minutes

3. Advanced Boxing - 2 x 10 minutes 

I then do some weights - at the moment I am concentrating on my arms and shoulders.
Weights are excellent for helping in fat burning as it re-directs protein to your muscles helping to build and repair them instead of your body just burning it off - therefore your body should burn off more fat as it needs something to replace the lost protein. (so i'm lead to understand)

Any way later on today I will be listing what I have eaten and also what exercise I have done today.

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